
E'Issej:Age: 24 Temperment: Stoic. Not much surprises her. Position: Captain of the E'Issej402. Background: A young explorer from Girkka. E'Issej built her own spaceship and left Girkka for her first time to explore space.

Ni'Tsua:Age: 25 Temperment: Secretive, stubborn and cynical to a fault. Position: Offense/defense. Background: A young inventor from Arbrycht. Sentenced to death for blasphemy, Ni'Tsua was fortunate enough to escape with the spaceship of his own make. Ni'Tsua was stranded alone on "Cold" for over four years, driving him to create Joebot for company.

V'Ronika:Age: 20 Temperment: Intelligent beyond her years. Quite mysterious. Position: Navigation. Background: For all Ni'Tsua and E'Issej know, V'Ronika could be the only native to "Cold" left alive.

Missapa:Age: 64 (keep in mind her life span is something like 400) Temperment: Irritable and easily driven to pomposity. Position: Maintenance. Background: When a meteor hit cold planet and destroyed her family's ship, Missapa was left stranded alone on cold.

Joebot:Age: 3 Temperment: All knowing, yet in many ways naive. Position: Communications/transmissions. Background: Created by Ni'Tsua. Joebot was made to be a companion and so loves attention to be lavished on him.

The E'Issej 402

The ship was once a Girrkan automobile. E'Issej used the shell of the structure and built upon it. Forming the unlucky scpaceship we all know and love.

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